Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Scary Day...

Well I've never had this happen before...blood in my vomit :(  I've been having really bad "all day" sickness the last two weeks and it seems today it was at it's worst.  It started not too bad in the morning. 

It was your sister's first day back to school and she started Grade 1 today.  She was pretty upset because her Kindergarten best friend, Kaya, did not return to the same school.  Dad and I brought her to Mrs. Guzman's class and ran some errands this morning. 

We were able to do some grocery shopping.  Geez, didn't realize how bad Superstore stunk.  blah!  Had a few dry heaves here and there but didn't actually start throwing up today until later on in the morning. 

Dad went to work and I threw up blood!  It was scary, but the Doctor said not to worry - probably just burst capillaries or blood vessels either in my esophagus or my stomach.  But, I'm probably going to have to start taking my anti-nausea medicine to prevent the occurrence of my all day sickness and hopefully that will be a first and last for the blood in my vomit. 

Good night my little jellybean!

Monday, 5 September 2011

I think I jinxed myself!

So, last time I wrote here I was feeling pretty good.  No tiredness, no nausea - oh, did things turn in the last two weeks.  Had to leave early from work one Friday because of an awful migraine and been having terrible "morning", more like all day sickness ever since.  Hope it's because you're growing like crazy in there!